GROUP 1 (tied for first)
- Annie Hall | Woody ALLEN | 1977
- The Battle of Algiers | Gillo PONTECORVO | 1966
- Black Narcissus | M. POWELL & E. PRESSBURGER | 1947
- Chinatown | Roman POLANSKI | 1974
- Citizen Kane | Orson WELLES | 1941
- City Lights | Charles CHAPLIN | 1931
- Claire's Knee | Eric ROHMER | 1970
- Duck Soup | Leo MCCAREY | 1933
- Gilda | Charles VIDOR | 1946
- La Grande Illusion | Jean RENOIR | 1937
- The Great Dictator | Charles CHAPLIN | 1940
- Great Expectations | David LEAN | 1946
- Hidden | Michael HANEKE | 2005
- High Noon | Fred ZINNEMANN | 1952
- Histoire(s) du Cinéma | Jean-Luc GODARD | 1998
- La Jetée | Chris MARKER | 1962
- Late Spring | OZU Yasujirō | 1949
- Laura | Otto PREMINGER | 1944
- The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance | John FORD | 1962
- Le Mépris | Jean-Luc GODARD | 1963
- Metropolis | Fritz LANG | 1927
- Mulholland Dr. | David LYNCH | 2001
- The Night of the Hunter | Charles LAUGHTON | 1955
- Ninotchka | Ernst LUBITSCH | 1939
- North by Northwest | Alfred HITCHCOCK | 1959
- October | Sergei EISENSTEIN | 1928
- Out of the Past | Jacques TOURNEUR | 1947
- Persona | Ingmar BERGMAN | 1966
- Psycho | Alfred HITCHCOCK | 1960
- Rancho Notorious | Fritz LANG | 1952
- Rear Window | Alfred HITCHCOCK | 1954
- Seven Samurai | KUROSAWA Akira | 1954
- Sherlock Jr. | Buster KEATON | 1924
- Shoah | Claude LANZMANN | 1985
- Short Cuts | Robert ALTMAN | 1993
- Singin' in the Rain | Stanley DONEN & Gene KELLY | 1952
- Solaris | Andrei TARKOVSKY | 1972
- Some Like It Hot | Billy WILDER | 1959
- Stagecoach | John FORD | 1939
- Sullivan's Travels | Preston STURGES | 1941
- Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans | F.W. MURNAU | 1927
- Titticut Follies | Frederick WISEMAN | 1967
- To Be or Not to Be | Ernst LUBITSCH | 1942
- 2001: A Space Odyssey | Stanley KUBRICK | 1968
- Ugetsu Monogatari | MIZOGUCHI Kenji | 1953
- Umberto D. | Vittorio DE SICA | 1952
GROUP 2 (tied for forty-seventh)
- L'Atalante | Jean VIGO | 1934
- Bicycle Thieves | Vittorio DE SICA | 1948
- A Canterbury Tale | M. POWELL & E. PRESSBURGER | 1944
- Casablanca | Michael CURTIZ | 1942
- The Clock | Christian MARCLAY | 2011
- La Commune (Paris, 1871) | Peter WATKINS | 2000
- The Conformist | Bernardo BERTOLUCCI | 1970
- L'Eclisse | Michelangelo ANTONIONI | 1962
- L'Eclisse | Michelangelo ANTONIONI | 1962
- Fitzcarraldo | Werner HERZOG | 1982
- Gold Diggers of 1933 | Mervyn LEROY | 1933
- The Good, the Bad and the Ugly | Sergio LEONE | 1966
- Hard-Boiled | John WOO | 1992
- Harlan County U.S.A. | Barbara KOPPLE | 1976
- Heat | Michael MANN | 1995
- Hitler: A Film from Germany | H-J SYBERBERG | 1977
- Johnny Guitar | Nicholas RAY | 1954
- Journey to Italy | Roberto ROSSELLINI | 1954
- Jules et Jim | François TRUFFAUT | 1962
- Last Year in Marienbad | Alain RESNAIS | 1961
- A Man Escaped | Robert BRESSON | 1956
- Mr. Smith Goes to Washington | Frank CAPRA | 1939
- The Passion of Joan of Arc | Carl Th. DREYER | 1928
- La Règle du Jeu | Jean RENOIR | 1939
- Rio Bravo | Howard HAWKS | 1959
- Rome, Open City | Roberto ROSSELLINI | 1945
- Sansho Dayu | MIZOGUCHI Kenji | 1954
- The Seventh Seal | Ingmar BERGMAN | 1957
- Stalker | Andrei TARKOVSKY | 1979
- The Third Man | Carol REED | 1949
- The Wages of Fear | Henri-Georges CLOUZOT | 1953
- A Woman Under the Influence | John CASSAVETES | 1974
GROUP 3 (tied for seventy-ninth)
- Aguirre, Wrath of God | Werner HERZOG | 1972
- All About Eve | Joseph L. MANKIEWICZ | 1950
- Blade Runner | Ridley SCOTT | 1982
- Broken Blossoms | D.W. GRIFFITH | 1919
- 8½ | Federico FELLINI | 1963
- Forty Guns | Samuel FULLER | 1957
- The Godfather | Francis Ford COPPOLA | 1972
- The Godfather: Part II | Francis Ford COPPOLA | 1974
- Imitation of Life | Douglas SIRK | 1959
- Koyaanisqatsi | Godfrey REGGIO | 1982
- The Lady from Shanghai | Orson WELLES | 1947
- Man with a Movie Camera | Dziga VERTOV | 1929
- The Matrix | The WACHOWSKIs | 1999
- Monty Python and the Holy Grail | GILLIAM & JONES | 1975
- The Naked City | Jules DASSIN | 1948
- Network | Sidney LUMET | 1976
- The Pervert's Guide to Cinema | Sophie FIENNES | 2006
- Star Wars | George LUCAS | 1977
- Taste of Cherry | Abbas KIAROSTAMI | 1997
- The Limey | Steven SODERBERGH | 1999
- To Have and Have Not | Howard HAWKS | 1944
- Touch of Evil | Orson WELLES | 1958
- The Wild Bunch | Sam PECKINPAH | 1969
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