- La
Règle du Jeu | Jean RENOIR | 1939
- L'Avventura
| Michelangelo ANTONIONI | 1960
- The
Seventh Seal | Ingmar BERGMAN | 1957
- Bicycle
Thieves | Vittorio DE SICA | 1948
- Pather
Panchali | Satyajit RAY | 1955
- 2001:
A Space Odyssey | Stanley KUBRICK | 1968
- City
Lights | Charles CHAPLIN | 1931
- L'Atalante
| Jean VIGO | 1934
- Casablanca
| Michael CURTIZ | 1942
- Citizen
Kane | Orson WELLES | 1941
- Seven
Samurai | KUROSAWA Akira | 1954
- Taxi
Driver | Martin SCORSESE | 1976
- The
400 Blows | François TRUFFAUT | 1959
- Tokyo
Story | OZU Yasujirō | 1953
- North
by Northwest | Alfred HITCHCOCK | 1959
- The
Spirit of the Beehive | Víctor ERICE | 1973
- A Man
Escaped | Robert BRESSON | 1956
- Sansho
Dayu | MIZOGUCHI Kenji | 1954
- Ugetsu
Monogatari | MIZOGUCHI Kenji | 1953
- La
Dolce Vita | Federico FELLINI | 1960
- Aguirre,
Wrath of God | Werner HERZOG | 1972
- Psycho | Alfred
- Chinatown
| Roman POLANSKI | 1974
- Nashville
| Robert ALTMAN | 1975
- Touch
of Evil | Orson WELLES | 1958
- Breathless
| Jean-Luc GODARD | 1960
- Apocalypse
Now | Francis Ford COPPOLA | 1979
- Vertigo
| Alfred HITCHCOCK | 1958
- La
Grande Illusion | Jean RENOIR | 1937
- The
Passion of Joan of Arc | Carl Th. DREYER | 1928
- L'Eclisse
| Michelangelo ANTONIONI | 1962
The Film Sufi’s 200 Greatest Films
- Sundays
and Cybele | Serge BOURGUIGNON | 1962
- La Strada
| Federico FELLINI | 1954
- La Règle du Jeu | Jean
RENOIR | 1939
- L'Avventura | Michelangelo
- The Seventh Seal | Ingmar
BERGMAN | 1957
- The
Blue Angel | Josef VON STERNBERG | 1930
- Day of
Wrath | Carl Th. DREYER | 1943
- Bicycle Thieves | Vittorio
DE SICA | 1948
- Gone
with the Wind | Victor FLEMING | 1939
- Brazil | Terry
GILLIAM | 1985
- Pather Panchali | Satyajit
RAY | 1955
- 2001: A Space Odyssey | Stanley
KUBRICK | 1968
- Los
Olvidados | Luis BUÑUEL | 1950
- The
American Friend | Wim WENDERS | 1977
- La
Rupture | Claude CHABROL | 1970
- Blow-Up
| Michelangelo ANTONIONI | 1966
- City Lights | Charles
CHAPLIN | 1931
- L'Atalante | Jean VIGO |
- Les
Enfants Terribles | Jean-Pierre MELVILLE | 1950
- Once
upon a Time in America | Sergio LEONE | 1984
- Badlands
| Terrence MALICK | 1973
- Casablanca | Michael CURTIZ
| 1942
- The Crowd
| King VIDOR | 1928
- The
Go-Between | Joseph LOSEY | 1970
- Devi | Satyajit
RAY | 1960
- Le
Jour Se Lève | Marcel CARNÉ | 1939
- The
Passenger | Michelangelo ANTONIONI | 1975
- The
World of Apu | Satyajit RAY | 1959
- Baran | Majid
MAJIDI | 2001
- Citizen Kane | Orson
WELLES | 1941
- Europa | Lars
VON TRIER | 1991
- The 39
Steps | Alfred HITCHCOCK | 1935
- Not One
Less | ZHANG Yimou | 1999
- The
Crying Game | Neil JORDAN | 1992
- On the
Waterfront | Elia KAZAN | 1954
- Seven Samurai | KUROSAWA
Akira | 1954
- Taxi Driver | Martin
- To Live
| ZHANG Yimou | 1994
- The
Year of Living Dangerously | Peter WEIR | 1982
- The 400 Blows | François
- Tokyo Story | OZU
Yasujirō | 1953
- The Birds
| Alfred HITCHCOCK | 1963
- North by Northwest | Alfred
- Morocco
| Josef VON STERNBERG | 1930
- The
Constant Gardener | Fernando MEIRELLES | 2005
- Stroszek
| Werner HERZOG | 1977
- Shanghai
Express | Josef VON STERNBERG | 1932
- Blonde
Venus | Josef VON STERNBERG | 1932
- Diary
of a Country Priest | Robert BRESSON | 1951
- Zorba
the Greek | Michael CACOYANNIS | 1964
- Jules
et Jim | François TRUFFAUT | 1962
- The Spirit of the
Beehive | Víctor ERICE | 1973
- Nosferatu
the Vampyre | Werner HERZOG | 1979
- Black
Orpheus | Marcel CAMUS | 1959
- Bonnie
and Clyde | Arthur PENN | 1967
- Shoot
the Pianist | François TRUFFAUT | 1960
- The
Red Desert | Michelangelo ANTONIONI | 1964
- Fellini-Satyricon
| Federico FELLINI | 1969
- La
Guerre Est Finie | Alain RESNAIS | 1966
- I
Walked with a Zombie | Jacques TOURNEUR | 1943
- Chicago
| Rob MARSHALL | 2002
- Dekalog
| Krzysztof KIEŚLOWSKI | 1989
- Fallen
Angels | WONG Kar Wai | 1995
- McCabe
& Mrs. Miller | Robert ALTMAN | 1971
- A Man Escaped | Robert
BRESSON | 1956
- Point
Blank | John BOORMAN | 1967
- Notorious
| Alfred HITCHCOCK | 1946
- The
Story of the Last Chrysanthemums | MIZOGUCHI Kenji | 1939
- Z | Constantin
- Sansho Dayu | MIZOGUCHI
Kenji | 1954
- Il Posto
| Ermanno OLMI | 1961
- The Trial
| Orson WELLES | 1962
- Le
Cercle Rouge | Jean-Pierre MELVILLE | 1970
- Ugetsu Monogatari | MIZOGUCHI
Kenji | 1953
- Kanal | Andrzej
WAJDA | 1957
- Through
a Glass Darkly | Ingmar BERGMAN | 1961
- Seven
Chances | Buster KEATON | 1925
- Wintersleepers
| Tom TYKWER | 1997
- Last
Year in Marienbad | Alain RESNAIS | 1961
- Anne
and Muriel | François TRUFFAUT | 1971
- My Fair
Lady | George CUKOR | 1964
- Phantom
India | Louis MALLE | 1969
- The
Red Shoes | Michael POWELL & Emeric PRESSBURGER | 1948
- Children
of Heaven | Majid MAJIDI | 1997
- Midnight
Cowboy | John SCHLESINGER | 1969
- Felix
and Otilia | Iulian MIHU | 1972
- Alien | Ridley
SCOTT | 1979
- Thieves
Like Us | Robert ALTMAN | 1974
- Medium
Cool | Haskell WEXLER | 1969
- La Dolce Vita | Federico
FELLINI | 1960
- Aguirre, Wrath of God | Werner
HERZOG | 1972
- For
a Few Dollars More | Sergio LEONE | 1965
- Psycho | Alfred
- Love
in the Afternoon | Billy WILDER | 1957
- Chinatown | Roman
- Walkabout
| Nicolas ROEG | 1971
- Nashville | Robert
ALTMAN | 1975
- The
Year My Voice Broke | John DUIGAN | 1987
- Ju Dou | ZHANG
Yimou | 1990
- Le
Samouraï | Jean-Pierre MELVILLE | 1967
- The
Killers | Robert SIODMAK | 1946
- Obsession
| Brian DE PALMA | 1976
- Nights
of Cabiria | Federico FELLINI | 1957
- About
Elly | Asghar FARHADI | 2009
- The
Name of the Rose | Jean-Jacques ANNAUD | 1986
- Midnight
Express | Alan PARKER | 1978
- A
Room with a View | James IVORY | 1985
- The
Circle | Jafar PANAHI | 2000
- Touch of Evil | Orson
WELLES | 1958
- I
Fidanzati | Ermanno OLMI | 1963
- Breathless | Jean-Luc
GODARD | 1960
- East of
Eden | Elia KAZAN | 1955
- The
Grapes of Wrath | John FORD | 1940
- Isabel | Paul
ALMOND | 1968
- Freaks | Tod
- Apocalypse Now | Francis
Ford COPPOLA | 1979
- Son
of Frankenstein | Rowland V. LEE | 1939
- Alexander
Nevsky | Sergei EISENSTEIN | 1938
- Picnic
at Hanging Rock | Peter WEIR | 1975
- The
Life of Oharu | MIZOGUCHI Kenji | 1952
- Vertigo | Alfred
- Double
Indemnity | Billy WILDER | 1944
- The
Wizard of Oz | Victor FLEMING | 1939
- Hiroshima,
Mon Amour | Alain RESNAIS | 1959
- Nanook
of the North | Robert J. FLAHERTY | 1922
- West
Side Story | Robert WISE & Jerome ROBBINS | 1961
- Look
Back in Anger | Tony RICHARDSON | 1959
- Tales
of Manhattan | Julien DUVIVIER | 1942
- The English Patient | Anthony
- Accident | Joseph LOSEY
| 1967
- The Circumstance | Ermanno
OLMI | 1974
- The Cabinet of Dr
Caligari | Robert WIENE | 1920
- Masculine-Feminine | Jean-Luc
GODARD | 1966
- The Red and the White | JANSCÓ
Miklós | 1967
- The Conversation | Francis
Ford COPPOLA | 1974
- Cartouche | Philippe DE
BROCA | 1962
- Alice in the Cities | Wim
WENDERS | 1974
- Eat Drink Man Woman | Ang
LEE | 1994
- Distant Thunder | Satyajit
RAY | 1973
- The Bear | Jean-Jacques
ANNAUD | 1988
- The Mask of Dimitrios | Jean
- Run Lola Run | Tom
TYKWER | 1998
- Quadrophenia | Franc
RODDAM | 1979
- The Quatermass Xperiment
| Val GUEST | 1955
- Carlito's Way | Brian DE
PALMA | 1993
- Breakfast at Tiffany's |
Blake EDWARDS | 1961
- How to Murder Your Wife
| Richard QUINE | 1965
- Days and Nights in the
Forest | Satyajit RAY | 1970
- Tess | Roman POLANSKI | 1979
- The Big Parade | King
VIDOR | 1925
- The Crime of Monsieur
Lange | Jean RENOIR | 1936
- Little Big Man | Arthur
PENN | 1970
- Strangers on a Train | Alfred
- The Devil Is a Woman | Josef
- It Happened One Night | Frank
CAPRA | 1934
- A Time for Drunken
Horses | Bahman GHOBADI | 2000
- Rear Window | Alfred
- The Long Good Friday | John
- Dances with Wolves | Kevin
COSTNER | 1990
- French Connection II | John
- Captains Courageous | Victor
FLEMING | 1937
- The Firemen's Ball | Miloš
FORMAN | 1967
- La Grande Illusion | Jean
RENOIR | 1937
- Shakespeare Wallah | James
IVORY | 1965
- The Sleeping Car Murder
| Costa-GAVRAS | 1965
- Crime and Punishment | Josef
- All Quiet on the Western
Front | Lewis MILESTONE | 1930
- Dark City | Alex PROYAS
| 1998
- Sisters of Gion | MIZOGUCHI
Kenji | 1936
- My Night with Maud | Eric
ROHMER | 1969
- The Colour of Paradise |
Majid MAJIDI | 1999
- Forbidden Games | René
CLEMENT | 1952
- The Long Goodbye | Robert
ALTMAN | 1973
- Eyes Without a Face | Georges
FRANJU | 1960
- Fury | Fritz LANG | 1936
- The Road Home | ZHANG
Yimou | 1999
- Platoon | Oliver STONE |
- The Last Voyage | Andrew
L. STONE | 1960
- Latcho Drom | Tony
GATLIFF | 1996
- The Passion of Joan of
Arc | Carl Th. DREYER | 1928
- Dumbo | Ben SHARPSTEEN |
- Invasion of the Body
Snatchers | Philip KAUFMAN | 1978
- The Tree of Wooden Clogs
| Ermanno OLMI | 1978
- Singin' in the Rain | Stanley
DONEN & Gene KELLY | 1952
- Raise the Red Lantern | ZHANG
Yimou | 1991
- The Householder | James
IVORY | 1963
- Missing | Costa-GAVRAS |
- L'Eclisse | Michelangelo
- Grand Hotel | Edmund
- The Usual Suspects | Bryan
SINGER | 1995
- The King and I | Walter
LANG | 1956
- Shock Corridor | Samuel
FULLER | 1963
- Frankenstein | James
WHALE | 1931
- The Maltese Falcon | John
HUSTON | 1941
- The Scarlet Empress | Josef
- Treasure Island | Victor
FLEMING | 1934
- Red Dust | Victor
FLEMING | 1932
- The Adversary | Satyajit
RAY | 1972
- Curse of the Golden
Flower | ZHANG Yimou | 2006
- Sleeper | Woody ALLEN | 1973
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